ifindkarma. elegance is refusal.

January 10, 2008

Haikoo Zoo pets – Cuppy cake song

Filed under: birdies!, bunnies!, haikoo! — ifindkarma @ 4:20 am

Thank you, Haikoo Zoo fans.

May 20, 2007

Must be the crack talking!

Filed under: bunnies!, flickr!, halp! — ifindkarma @ 4:20 am

Crackrabbit Jack says: Just say no to crack, kids. *shudder*

And if you must smoke a pipe, go for Flickr-brand crack (TM).

March 19, 2007

Renkoo rabbits bouncing a basketball! Supercute!

Filed under: bunnies!, renkoo!, supercute! — ifindkarma @ 4:20 am

Renkoo Rabbits!

Thanks, renkoo.

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