ifindkarma. elegance is refusal.

June 22, 2008

Earthquake Cat!

Earthquake Cat!

Luxury Launches: “Some genius mind from Japan have designed a cool survival kit for cats and dogs that includes some basic items that can keep your four legged furry pal alive till the fire brigade gets to them.”

This picture is begging to be LOLcatted.

June 14, 2007

Pimp cup!

Filed under: bling!, booze!, buy!, relax! — ifindkarma @ 4:20 am

The gift that keeps on giving:

This here is da original pimp cups that’s used by the veteran pimps who’ve been in the game for a while. You can see why only a true pimp can floss this bling bling cup. You get diamond trim on the top and bottom of the cup as well as multi-color faux gem stones and of course up to 5 letters of whatever you want! Your choice of Gold or Platinum Style cup.

Sterling Hughes, please pass the crunk juice… I has a flavor.

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